Meet Wolfie!

Meet Wolfie!

Meet the official Thunderwolf of Lakehead University and the Lakehead University Thunderwolves: Wolfie!

Representing Lakehead since 2001, you can spot Wolfie around campus and in the community at various events and celebrations -- such as Orientation!


Pronouns: he/him

Birthday: March 21, 2001

Hometown: Thunder Bay, ON

Jersey Number: 65, representing the year Lakehead University opened (1965).

Hobbies: Hiking the trails around campus. 

Quote to Live by: “For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack” - Rudyard Kipling (author of the Jungle Book)

Favourite Songs: Thunder, Imagine Dragons; Thunderstruck, ACDC


The Origin of the Thunderwolf

When Lakehead University opened in 1965, they were known as the Lakehead Nor’Westers. This name was inspired by the Nor'Wester Mountains, which are a group of mountains immediately south of Thunder Bay, Ontario, located on the southern limits of the city and south of the Kaministiquia River.

Lakehead University was known as the Lakehead Nor’Westers from 1965 to 2001. During the year of 2001, the spirited cheers of Lakehead University students were so loud that it caught the attention of a Thunderwolf hidden deep in the Nor’Wester Mountains. This Thunderwolf, by the name of Wolfie, emerged from the mountains following the sound of students’ cheers. He could already tell that the students on Lakehead University’s campus embodied the traits of true Thunderwolves and was excited to be a part of such a bold and courageous pack. It was on March 21, 2001, that Lakehead University adopted Wolfie as their new mascot and began going by the name of the Lakehead Thunderwolves! 


What is a Thunderwolf? 

Thunderwolves are very similar in nature to their cousin, the grey wolf, which can be found in Northwestern and Central Ontario. Thunderwolves, like their wolf cousins, spark intense emotions. They are revered as symbols of wildness, worshipped as the spirits of nature, and idolized as the ultimate social animals. 


The Thunderwolf Howl

The howl of a Thunderwolf is one of nature’s most evocative and powerful sounds. Its haunting chorus is beautiful – but frightening to opposing teams. Thunderwolves howl to communicate to one another, locate members of their own pack, or before setting off to study or attending a social event. They are highly intelligent creatures that care about one another and are proud to be part of a lifelong pack. Thunderwolves will roam thousands of kilometres from their homes in search of meaningful job opportunities and exciting life experiences. It’s this territory that they will continue to defend – for life. 



So, you see … a Thunderwolf is more than just our mascot. We are all Thunderwolves!



Throughout the school year, keep an eye out for Wolfie around campus and at various events!


If you grab a photo with Wolfie at an event, tag your photo with #SpotWolfie for a chance to be featured on our social media pages (@thunderwolvesor) and on Lakehead Orillia Thunderwolves website ( 

Interested in having Wolfie at an event you’re hosting? Click on the button below for the Wolfie Request Form

Please Note: Requests MUST be made at least 48 hours in advance of your event. 



Lakehead Thunderwolves Logo Anatomy

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