Teachers on the Move

Teachers on the Move

Teachers on the Move is a Professional Year BEd. student specific program that aims to connect students to program-specific opportunities in Athletics and Recreation.


Teachers on the Move Challenge

Download the Strava app and complete monthly individual and cohort challenges for a chance get active in creative ways, gain valuable skills and resources. Teachers on the Move Challenge has connections to the Ontario Health and Physical Education curriculm and will help to foster a sense of community among the Lakehead BEd. students virtually. This Strava club was made so that you can encourage one another and hold one another accountable while studying at home, so comment, give kudos and upload your activities!

*This group is appropriate for all individuals regardless of skills, age and abilities!

You must complete this sign-up form for your request to join the Teachers in the Move Strava group to be accepted.


Questions? Email orillia.athletics@lakeheadu.ca