First half of season complete for Extramural Men's Hockey Team

First half of season complete for Extramural Men's Hockey Team
Extramural Men's Hockey Team Photo
Top Row [left to right]: Kyle Kopko, Brandon Keller, Grady Burke, Santino Tonigussi, Chi Tonin, Dexter Bridge, Bobby Logan, Connor Robinson
Bottom Row [left to right]: Daniel Kersnik, Brett Stella, Ryan Rodger, Jonathan Corkery, Tim 'Ace' Bailey, Andrew Dobson, Lucas Chiarot, Colton Stone, Andrew Pidsadny, Justin Ervin
"I've never felt my job is to win hockey games – rather, that the essence of my job as a coach with Lakehead Orillia is to do everything I can to give my players the background necessary to succeed in life. Every player on this team puts out 100% at games and practices. What a blessing it is to be a part of a fantastic group of players." - Tim 'Ace' Bailey, Head Coach