Thunderwolves Super League Champions

Thunderwolves Super League Champions
On Thursday, March 21st the Lakehead Orillia Women's Hockey Team competed in the final game for the Barrie Super League Championships.


The Barrie Super League is the regular league the Thunderwolves participated in the fall and winter semesters. All their early morning practices, late night games, and dedication to the team paid off as they walked away as Super League Champions for the 2018-2019 season! Melani Moylan brought her A-game as she scored the winning two goals for the Thunderwolves. The first goal was a quick wrap around the net and headed straight for the back of the mesh. The second goal was assisted by Clara Hall, assistant captain, as she fed it towards the net and Moylan scooped into the scramble to land another goal. Awesome work ladies and great team effort! Thunderwolves are the Georgian Super League Champions for the first time in four years! Cheers to an amazing season Thunderwolves and here's to another one for next year! Go Thunderwolves, Go!